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How To Create A Calender Online And Download

How to Create a Calendar App: Complete Guide

Time management becomes challenging due to an ever-rising number of events to visit and tasks to complete for work and leisure. A lot of applications have an in-app calendar. But it can be tricky and challenging to integrate or develop a calendar app from scratch.

Let's find out when the in-app calendar is a nice-to-have feature for success. Also, we'll cover tools and technologies to create a calendar app or integrate one.

In-App Calendar Use Cases for Various Industries

Applications from various fields can build the in-app calendar to bring more value to users. Calendars may have different color schemes, fillings, and interfaces. But their primary purpose is always the same — to assist users in managing their time.

Travel & Hospitality

A lot of travel platforms have an in-app calendar. For example, Airbnb uses a calendar to show available dates for the chosen apartment.

For any booking service, it's significant to let users reserve the dates they pick. Additionally, there are advanced calendars. For example, WizzAir (one of the top airlines in the UK and Europe) suggests available dates after choosing the destinations.

Calendar app development: Design concept

Design concept by Cleveroad (Source: Dribbble)


Online education is becoming more and more popular these days. To make it comfortable and useful, educational platforms integrate calendars. There are a bunch of different ways to use the in-app calendar (scheduling courses, lectures, tests, and more). Also, apps can send users notifications informing about the beginning of the course, scheduled event, and more.

How to make calendar app

Education app design concept by Cleveroad


There are a lot of opportunities to use calendars in the logistics field: from scheduling shipping to delivering food.

For example, Uber Freight has a lot of cool features based on the in-app calendar. Shippers and carriers can look through their past and upcoming shipments. Also, they can choose the appropriate time and date for the delivery.

How to build calendar app

Logistic app design


Healthcare solutions can also benefit from using calendars. A lot of medical websites and apps (Acuity Scheduling) integrate calendar features to allow scheduling appointments with doctors or tracking drugs intake.

The in-app calendar is useful for fitness apps. It can track physical activity and get statistics for a particular time.

How to build calendar app

Healthcare app design (Source: Dribbble)

People use social media not only for communication but for booking offline events. On Facebook, there are a bunch of cool meetings and conferences. The social network can notify the user about upcoming events.

Also, there are a lot of services that allow scheduling posts for Twitter or Instagram. All these functions cannot work without a calendar.

Calendar app development: use cases

In-app calendar use cases

As you can see, there are many industries that may benefit from the in-app calendar.

However, it's possible to create your own calendar app, following your requirements and goals.

How to build a calendar app and not to fail? You need to consider the tech stack to make a scalable solution. Also, you need to pay attention to app design and sync capabilities. Let's discuss these points more precisely.

Tech Stack to Create Your Own Calendar App

How to build a calendar app and succeed? The tech stack of your app is one of the most significant parts. You need to choose the technologies that'd guarantee the scalability of your product in the future.

I've divided the technologies into several categories.

APIs to Build a Calendar App

Apple and Google offer a lot of APIs to integrate into a calendar app.

The tech stack provided below is APPROXIMATE. The final tools always depend on your project requirements and business goals. It's better to consult with professionals to pick the right technologies.

Google Calendar API

A lot of people choose Google Calendar to manage their events. That's Google created detailed documentation on how to implement Calendar into your app. It's possible to integrate Calendar API with both mobile and web apps. The Google Calendar API allows viewing, creating, and editing events in the calendar. Also, it describes the way to use RESTful calls and libraries for different programming languages like Java, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, and others.

Apple EventKit

Apple also offers various tools for calendar app development or integration. EventKit helps get access to calendar data, so it's easy to create and edit events in the app. Also, Apple provides EventKitUI with different interfaces to add to your application.

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Additionally, there are many calendar APIs that can help your app become outstanding. You can find some ideas below:

  • Calendarific API lets developers add public holidays of different to their apps.
  • FX Calendar API integrates data about upcoming finance events.
  • SuperSaaS API adds online scheduling and allows sending reminders.
  • Nylas Cloud Calendar API offers such features as scheduling, reminders, and others.

Libraries to Create a Your Own Calendar App

There are a lot of libraries on GitHub that can be used for calendar app development.

For the iOS-based calendar, software developers tend to use:

  • JTAppleCalendar
  • FSCalendar
  • CalendarKit
  • MBCalendarKit
  • CalendarLib
  • Calendar

If you want to create a calendar app for Android, developers can make use of the following libraries:

  • Cosmo Calendar
  • Event Calendar
  • SlyCalendarView
  • AgendaCalenderView
  • CustomizableCalendar

As for web solution, you can integrate these libs:

  • Kendo UI
  • Calendarize
  • iCalendar
  • jQuery UI
  • Webix

Of course, there are more solutions in the market. You can find them on GitHub.

Other Tools for Calendar App Development

To create your own calendar app, you need different technologies. As for programming languages, there can be Swift or Objective-C (iOS), Kotlin or Java (Android). There are various databases to make use of: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and others.

To create a user-friendly and intuitive design, UI/UX specialists require tools like Sketch, Illustrator, and Sympli.

To test apps properly, Quality Assurance engineers can use the following tools:

  • Firebase
  • Crashlytics
  • TestFlight
  • Postman

Technologies to create a calendar app

Technologies to make a calendar app

How to Build a Calendar App: Tips to Reach Success

Having analyzed existing calendar solutions, we've singled out several important points.

UI/UX design

To make your own calendar app user-friendly, you need to consider UI/UX design services. A qualified designer can create an intuitive interface with simple and straightforward navigation. Among the latest design trends are bright colors and simple forms. For example, you can choose a minimalistic but vivid design. It helps pay users' attention to the app features.

How to make a calendar app

Design concept by Cleveroad (Source: Dribbble)

Sync capabilities

These days, users have a lot of devices. It should be easy for them to use your calendar not only on the phone but on tablets and laptops. You have to ensure that your is synchronized across all connected devices. Also, for business needs, it's better to offer synchronization with Google and iCloud. It allows scheduling events around planned things.

Advanced functionality

To gain more users, you need to provide some interesting features. For example, to make the app more personalized and user-friendly, you can offer users a customizable calendar app. It's good to let users change the color of the event or choose different styles. Also, Google Calendar lets users invite other people to join events.

Access to hardware

To increase security, you can use the devices' hardware. For example, your calendar can utilize Apple's 3D Touch or Force Touch. Also, it's possible to add geolocation to the events.

Making your own calendar app or integrating one requires preparations. There are a lot of opportunities to expand the app functionally with the help of the in-app calendar.

If you want to develop an excellent tech solution, you'd better cooperate with the Android or iOS app development company. Qualified developers can offer various ways to integrate the calendar and add several exciting features based on it.

How We Can Help

We've been developing software solutions for Logistics, Healthcare, Education, and other industries for 10+ years now. A solid background in developing scalable apps and a deep understanding of various business domains helps us build solutions that meet tech and business requirements. You'll receive the following range of benefits with Cleveroad:

  • Flexible cooperation models for suitable each client
  • Individual approach towards every project
  • Top-notch quality guarantee
  • A proven comprehensive expertise and competence of our specialists

We've recently helped two of our clients to integrate calendars into their apps — Nedley Lifestyle Scorecard​ and School App.

Nedley Lifestyle Scorecard

Nedley Lifestyle Scorecard is a mood tracking application that is based on the program developed by Dr. Nedley. This iOS solution has an implemented calendar which users fill in daily and observe how well the mental disorder treatment goes.

How to make a calendar app

Nedley Scorecard

School App

School App allows staying connected with your school community. The service is available on iOS and Android.

The app has a bunch of exciting features. For example, users get customized notifications. Also, we've integrated a calendar to allow scheduling various events and add them to the personal calendar.

How to build a calendar app

The School App

Ready to make a calendar app?

Our team is at your disposal! We're experienced in solving any tech issues!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to create a calendar app for Android, there are the following libraries:

  • Cosmo Calendar
  • Event Calendar
  • SlyCalendarView
  • AgendaCalenderView
  • CustomizableCalendar

There are a lot of tools that can be used for calendar app development. As for APIs, the most widespread ones are Google Calendar API and Apple EventKit. Both of them offer various opportunities to add and manage events. Also, there are a bunch of exciting libraries for iOS and Android calendar apps.


  • JTAppleCalendar
  • FSCalendar
  • CalendarKit


  • Cosmo Calendar
  • Event Calendar
  • SlyCalendarView

Also, to make your own calendar app, you need a programming language. Developers tend to choose Swift (iOS) and Kotlin (Android). Also, you need to implement a database, e.g. MySQL. However, it's better to consult with a team of qualified developers to pick the tech stack that follows your requirements.

There are a lot of APIs that can assist in integrating an in-app calendar. The most wide-spread and useful are Google Calendar API and Apple EventKit. Of course, there are more exciting APIs, you can find some interesting ideas below:

  • Calendarific API allows integrating public holidays of the countries from all over the world.
  • FX Calendar API integrates data about economic events.
  • SuperSaaS API adds online scheduling and allows sending reminders.
  • Nylas Cloud Calendar API offers synchronization, allows scheduling, and sends reminders.
  • AddEvent Calendar API offers to create and manage events.

There are a lot of technologies that developers can utilize for calendar app development. As for APIs, the most useful are Google Calendar API and Apple EventKit. Both of them offer various opportunities to add and manage events. Also, there are a bunch of cool libraries for iOS and Android calendar apps.


  • JTAppleCalendar
  • FSCalendar
  • CalendarKit


  • Cosmo Calendar
  • Event Calendar
  • SlyCalendarView

Also, to make your own calendar app, you need to choose the programming language depending on the platform. Developers tend to choose Swift (iOS) and Kotlin (Android). Also, you need to implement a database, e.g. MySQL. However, it's better to consult with a team of qualified developers to pick the tech stack that follows your requirements and business goals.

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